Property Insurance
Strength and Stability for your Home
Your home is your sanctuary. It’s a dependable shelter that keeps you and your family safe, and it’s the place where memories are made. For most people, a house represents the biggest financial and emotional investment they’ll ever make. With the right Property Insurance plan, you can protect your investment and your personal property from whatever life throws your way.
Every Home Insurance policy is different, and at Winstead Insurance Agency, we’ll work with you to make sure that your policy fits the needs of yourself and your family. Property Insurance may insure your home from the following types of damage:
- Fire and Lightning
- Collisions from Vehicles or Aircraft
- Hail
- Sewer/Drain Backup
- Windstorm
- Vandalism
- Volcanic Eruption
- Smoke
- Freezing Conditions or Snow

Property Insurance Options to Consider
There are many additional coverage types that are available to safeguard your home and belongings, and it’s important to talk with a representative from Winstead Insurance Agency who can help you find the right policy.
Options such as Personal Property Insurance and Flood or Earthquake Insurance may not fall under a standard Homeowners policy. In the event of an accident or theft, Personal Property can pay the actual cash value (ACV) or replacement cost of personal content items or articles like furniture, appliances, and clothing.
Other items that may be included are Builder’s Risk while your home is being built or reconstructed, and insurance for damage to pertinent/detached structures.
Another important feature to consider in your Homeowners policy is Dwelling Replacement Coverage. If a fire or other accident leaves your home a “total loss,” this coverage provides for the cost of replacing your home at its current value, rebuilding to code, and Ordinance & Law.
As is the case with many other features of Home Insurance, additional coverage can vary greatly depending on your policy, which is why it’s important to discuss your individual insurance options with Winstead Insurance Agency before making a decision.
Property Insurance
Your home is your sanctuary. It’s a dependable shelter that keeps you and your family safe, and it’s the place where memories are made.
Homeowners Liability
If someone were to claim an injury on your property, there’s no stopping them from affecting your finances, your house, or anything else you own that can be labeled as compensation.
Renters Insurance
If you rent an apartment, house, condo, or even a dorm room, you may not think you need insurance.
Condo Insurance
For many, a condo is a great alternative to living in an apartment or a home, and can offer more space, more living area, and more amenities.
Mobile Home Insurance
With a specialized Mobile Home Insurance policy, you can safeguard your home and your belongings in the event of a covered loss.
Scheduled Property Insurance
The Personal Property Insurance of your Homeowners policy will protect your valuables up to a certain amount, but may not cover many of your most prized possessions.
Landlords Insurance
As the owner of an apartment, home, condo, or other property, you’ll want to be prepared in the event that your investment is damaged.
In-Home Business Insurance
As the owner of an In-Home Business, chances are your operations extend beyond the walls of your home.
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